Healing Waters.

I am so honored to create an online course where I can travel with you on this healing journey. As a Christian Counselor, I hope to lead you closer to the heart of God, to share Godly wisdom and help you again understand his love. It is my prayer that you will be set free from your pain and the torment it brings.

This course is designed for you at your pace. You may want to do this for twenty-one consecutive days or perhaps once a week.

In the end, God is going to restore your soul -- and that's a promise.
Come along because...
  • Your Story Matters
  • It's Time to Rest
  • God's Mercies are New
  • You Must be Vigilant
  • It's Time to Trust Again
  • Peace is Important
  • God Wants to Renew You
  • You are Precious 
Write your awesome label here.

Let Me Be Your Guide

With my deepest gratitude I dedicate this course to My Lord who has turned my tears of sorrow to joy. Father you are my healer, thank you for giving me the grace to write this book. I love you.

Your Story Matters

Telling your side of the story matters to me and to God,  You'll be asked to write it down and present it to God.  He cares.

God Sees You

Letting your feelings out is so important.  You must express them and not hold them in. You'll be asked to do so.  God will listen.

God Will Refresh You

You'll be asked to look at yourself too and let God restore and refresh your hurts.  He will refresh you through his Word.  Trust Him.

Online Course

Let's begin.
Write your awesome label here.

Private Learning

You will be able to login whenever you want to complete your 21 days to emotional growth.

Workshop weeks

Take this 21 day journey and you will learn the steps to healing and the pathway to forgive.

Teens & Adults

This program and videos will benefit you whether you are a teenager or an adult.  You will grow spiritually.  


You will be able to share your thoughts within the program confidentially. 


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